Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
See 100% süsinikkiip on väga kerge ja väga jäik rullsuusakepid. Sellel on korgist käepide ja tugev rihm. Kujundatud fluorestseeruva värviga, mis helendab pimedas, mis tagab suurema ohutuse pimedal ajal treenimisel. Kasutab 8mm otsikuid.
Need 100% süsinikust rullsuusakepid tagavad kohese jõuülekande. Kuid ärge unustage neid ettevaatlikult kasutada, kuna need murduvad kergemini kui 50%-karboonist kepp, kuna materjal on vähem paindlik.
Compatible parts
Leidke ühilduvad tooted SkiGo 100% Carbon Rullsuusakepid:

Tipu läbimõõt:
SkiGo Roller Ski Thread Tip
arvustused (52)
"Good Ski Poles" | |
Tetiana Okolita (Edmonton) | 28/08/24 |
"Fantastic set of poles for roller skiing!! Lightweight, stiff, yet compliant enough to absorb the harsh impact of road vibrations. Would be an equally suitable pole for on snow skiing too." | |
Paul Krzesinski (Mukwonago) | 05/05/21 |
"Nice poles" | |
Jens R. Boesen (Aberdeen) | 17/01/19 |
"The poles are working well for me. Being new to roller skiing it was a bit of a surprise how much the poles slip if the tips are not super sharp and you really plant them on the tip. I would recommend getting poles a little on the short side since unlike snow skiing, pavement does not grip a pole with much angle on planting." | |
Paul Q. (ATHERTON) | 23/06/18 |
"First poles I’ve had so not sure what to expect but seem really good to me. I ordered the 170cm length which feels right for me (I’m 188cm tall). They came with the large straps which may be a bit too big for me, I use a size 9 glove, the strap is as small as it will go & I think it could do with being a bit tighter. Might order a medium strap at some point just to see. First time out with them I caught the tip in a man hole cover & snapped the end off, make sure you order spare tips." | |
Darren Overall (Peterborough) | 22/06/18 |
"Nice poles" | |
Otelo Gonzaga de Sousa Fontes (Guimarães PORTUGAL) | 04/04/17 |