
Park Skate Pads 3-pack

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Piiratud kogus saadaval
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Tasuta kohaletoimetamine alates €79
Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika

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Kaitsekomplekt vastupidavast nailonist kestvuskestaga korduvate löökide jaoks.

Põlve- ja küünarnukikaitsmed on Cordura nailonist kõva kestaga ja froteevoodriga. Ja on varustatud kahekordse velcro rihmaga seljas. Sokivaba disain.

Randmekaitsmed on valmistatud paksust, käsivarrega kohanemiseks mõeldud käsivarre materjalist, samas kui pikk rihm mähib randme, pakkudes pehmet istuvust. Lisatud geelisisendid peopesas pluss eemaldatav plastmassist kork tagavad randme kaitse löökide ja nihestuste eest.
Hingav võrk, mokkanahk ja vastupidav cordura nailon hoiavad käed värskena ja hästi kaitstuna.

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arvustused   (3)

I brought these and found they do give your wrist some good protection but the sizes are weird, I think I have to buy large in this, as medium is too tight even on my knees which are skinny lol
Tobias Pearson (Manchester)
Hinnang: 3 5-st!
They give a good protection, but not best quality, as my 1 set they star to rip of, as it isn't real leather in gloves they can't andle the plastic protection. But skate pro give me new ones as I show photo's.
Paulo Levi Bras (Ipswich)
Hinnang: 2 5-st!
Vastus alates SkatePro:  Thank you for your review. We are glad you contacted us after finding a defect in your product. It's not a common occurrence, but when it does happen we are glad you came to us so we can find a solution together. In this case I can see that we sent you a new set of protections so you can enjoy it. We look forward to hearing from you if you need anything else. 😊
/Skatepro Team
Kuva kõik 3 arvustused