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Rink Raven Boa Adjustable Kids Ice Skates

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Kogemused kasvavad mugavalt ja hõlpsastireguleeritava suurusega .See tagab õige sobivuse ja ei külmeta sõrmede pikkade nööride reguleerimise tõttu.

K2 Rink Raven Boa reguleeritavate uiskude eelised teile

  • Nutikas nöörisüsteem tagab hea jalatalla ja jõuülekande - selle nimi on Boa System
  • Saate nende uiskudega kasvada kuni 5 suurust suuruse reguleerimissüsteemi abil
  • Stabiilsus on jääl olles sinu sõber ja mansett on kõrge ning lisab head tuge
  • Kui niiskus ja jää peaks teie uisudesse sattuma, pakuvad need uisud teile kaitset tänu vetthülgavale töötlusele.

Hea teada

  • Peaksite meeles pidama, et pärast kasutamist tuleb tera alati kuivatada, et see jääks teravaks.


Suurus Reguleeritav saabas:
Boot / Shell tüüp:
Powerstrap, BOA
Näita kõike

arvustused   (11)

Kinnitatud ostja
"These skates are a great buy because they are comfortable and very convenient to have kids skates that adjust in size to last for years. I've read previous reviews that were critical of shipping cost and time but when I ordered mine to Canada the shipping rate was very reasonable and the skates arrived in appx 2 weeks."
Natasza Zurek (Naramata) 16.11.2021
Kinnitatud ostja
"These skates are great and easy to adjust to a growing child’s foot. My daughter said they were very comfortable and kept her feet warm too"
Hollie Foley (Burlington) 19.01.2021
Kinnitatud ostja
"I was motivated to try BOA laces instead of the traditional ones seeing how struggling with the traditional lacing can easily take the kids half of their skating session. And indeed it seems to work well (only had 2 sessions so far). Also, the adjustment range (EUR:35-40) is pretty good, should last until almost adult size. I ordered them sharpened (+5GBP) so they have a good grip. If you are used to K2's roller skates, you'll notice that the top ratchet buckle is missing (its place is taken by the BOA knob). So it feels a bit softer on the top. But apparently the velcro gives you enough blade control, and softer lacing on top is actually preferred by ice skaters for cushioning."
Leo G. (Cambridge) 04.11.2020
Kuva kõik 11 arvustused