USD Transformer agressiivsed uisud on hea lähtepunkt, kui soovite seda spordiala uurida. Need on spetsiaalselt mõeldud trikkide, grindide ja hüppude tegemiseks skatepargis ja tänavatel. Nendel USD agressiivsetel uiskudel on kõva saapas. Nii et kui hea jõuülekanne ja tugi on midagi, mida te otsite, pakub teile seda kõva saapakonstruktsioon. USD Transformer jooksevad väikestes suurustes. Seetõttu soovitame valida oma tavalisest jalanõude suurusest ühe numbri võrra suuremad.
- High-Cut mansett annab teile maksimaalse toetuse pahkluu stabiliseerimiseks ja vähendab teie lihaste väsimust
- Anti-rockered raam, mille keskel on väiksemad rattad, nii et teil on palju ruumi lihvimiseks
- Powerstrap sulgemine, et vältida kanna tõstmist, kusjuures lisarihm üle rinnaosa tagab turvalise istuvuse ja lisakontrolli
- 57mm rattad kõvadusega 89A ja laia profiiliga, et kiirendada kiirelt ja kindlalt maanduda oma trikkidele
- UFS (Universal Frame System) on kinnitussüsteem, mis annab sulle palju võimalusi oma setup'i varieerimiseks ja erinevate raamide ja saabaste ühendamiseks
- Sisseehitatud vooderdised, mis on löökide summutavad
- Hingava võrgustiku ja vahtpolstrite kombinatsioon vooderdises hoiab teie jalad mugavalt ja hästi ventileerituna
Ärge unustage enne esimest kasutamist kruvisid kontrollida ja vajadusel pingutage neid. Pange ka tähele, et peate pärast seda regulaarselt kontrollima kruvide seisukorda.
Märkus: Saapa tagaküljel olev rihm/silmus on mõeldud uiskude kandmiseks ja ei ole mõeldud uiskude jalga võtmisel tõmbamiseks.
Transformer on suurepärane võimalus, et alustada oma lapsi agressiivse inline-rulluisutamisega. See on koht, kus trikid on suured ja kiirus on väike. Ja suuruse järgi reguleeritava saapaga saate uisud, mida teie laps saab kasutada rohkem kui ühe hooaja jooksul.
arvustused (73)
"Got these for my daughter and she is loving them" | |
Jonathon Phillips (Hayden) | 04/06/24 |
"Love them!" | |
Benjamin Ven huizen (Johnstown) | 07/02/24 |
"missing a screw in one boot, that boot is able to be extended. the other boot was screwed in and it couldn't be extended unless you unscrew the boot. After you extend it, there is no way to secure the boot with the screws. i'd like to be able to screw the extended boot in, but the holes don't work" | |
TIMOTHY C. (SAN DIMAS) | 19/01/24 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi Timothy, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. That doesn't sound good at all! Your skates might have a manufacturing defect, so we will reach out to you in a separate email to help you out. ✌ / Your SkatePro Team |
"Brilliant, the adjustable sizing is fantastic, good strong build quality" | |
Oscar Wood (Puckeridge) | 21/05/23 |
"My son is very satisfied with his skates. Thanks!!!" | |
Timothy O’Campo (Anaheim) | 06/09/21 |
"Super duper!!!my 8 years daughter love it,best inline skates in the whole world,recommended 👍" | |
monika krasniewska (dublin) | 19/01/21 |
"My son loves these skates. Great price and fast delivery. Thanks SkatePro." | |
R. Nelson (River Heights) | 04/01/21 |
"My son loves these skates, a huge upgrade from his first pair of general recreational blades. I haven't yet attempted to adjust the size, but I'm very happy with all other features so far! The quality is great, shipping was quick and painless." | |
Chris Nielsen (Tacoma) | 29/12/20 |
"Quick shipping. Had no issues at all with the order. Will be ordering again soon!" | |
Nick boyer (Beach park) | 29/12/20 |
"Excellent quality! The son is happy!" | |
Alexandr T. (Tallinn) | 29/12/20 |
"Arrived quickly. For my granddaughter's birthday, she loves them. Skating round the house and garden. Can't wait for the chance to go further afield." | |
MRS J C Isserlis (Launceston) | 02/04/20 |
"Got these for my 6 year old daughter. Outgrew first pair of recreational blades and wanted to transfer her to an aggressive set for the grind box we were building. She has had no complaints on fit (starting at the smallest size) and was flying around on them from the start. Appear to be a great skate that will grow with her the next few years. Similar to another commenter, I was leery of ordering from overseas with the lower price but the transaction was flawless and they arrived quicker than I thought they would have." | |
Michael Worthington (Forney) | 06/01/20 |
"Got these for my daughter as she outgrew the smaller Transformers this past spring. Went to the skate park over the weekend and she absolutely loved these -- no real break-in period required. Drop-ins on 3-4 foot bowls were solid, and she's got a good lock on the coping when she needs it." | |
Robert L. (Mountain View) | 16/09/19 |
"I was a little nervous ordering from overseas as I am in the USA. But it was easy (after getting past my banks restrictions) and delivery was faster than expected! The skates arrived early! My son LOVES them! The quality is amazing! We will definitely be ordering again!" | |