Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Lumelaud noorimatele. Riglet on hea valik lapse esimeseks lumelauaks. Sellel on nutikas sisseehitatud rihma süsteem ja libisemisvastane ala jalgade jaoks, samuti konstruktsioon, mis minimeerib soovimatu servade tekkimise riski. Samuti on võimalik sidemeid paigaldada, kui laps on valmis järgmiseks sammuks.
Märkus: Sellel lumelaual ei ole terasest servi, mis teeb selle teie noorimale väga ohutuks.
Lumelaua Flex:
True Twin
Not included
arvustused (30)
"Great piece of kit. Very well built, hence the price. Kids love it and will certainly be a great learning aid for my 4&5y/o before trying the real thing for the first time." | |
Chris M. (Horsham) | 14/01/21 |
"Great little board my son loves it, heading up this weekend to test it out. SkatePro was awesome, super fast shipping even to the US. Zero problems zero complaints." | |
Kenneth A de Leon (South San Francisco) | 10/02/20 |
"Cool starter board. Our 2 year old is loving it. Not the color scheme though. It is actually inverted - yellow on the outside and blue on the inside. Was disappointed but SkatePro was very nice about addressing my concern." | |
Jean Gomez (Farmingdale) | 13/01/20 |
"Great service from SkatePro and very fast shipping - thanks!!" | |
Mike Anagnostou (Enfield) | 08/01/20 |