Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Selle teenuse puhul paneb SkatePro teie uisud kokku ja kohandab need.
Saate uisud, mis on 100% valmis välja minema ja uisutama.
Pange tähele, et uiskude kokkupanek on teenus ja seetõttu ei ole selle puhul tagastusõigust.
arvustused (26)
"Newded" | |
sabrina m. (London) | 14/04/20 |
"Skates came equipped as requested, my daughter slid them on and off she went. Awesome guys thank you again! You all made her Birthday an amazing day!" | |
Michael Garcia (APO AE) | 20/02/20 |
"Great as expected with no issues" | |
Sara E. O. H. (BALTIMORE) | 14/10/17 |
"Skates assembled well no problems" | |
peter wingfield (Peacehaven) | 21/09/17 |
"It came fully assembled nothing loose or out of place very professional thank you for you care and dedication to ours skates" | |
michael kling (jamaica) | 16/07/17 |
"Great" | |
Laura Louise Tyler (Washington, pulborough) | 01/03/16 |