Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Slaidikindad allamäge sõitjatele. Kindad on varustatud eemaldatavate plastist kaitsmetega, ümmarguse peopesa kaitsega, ringikujulise pöidlakaitsega ja sõrmekaitseribaga. Ära rebi oma käsi, rebi Reaper.
arvustused (45)
"Bought these for my brother for Christmas. They came super fast and he loved them!" | |
E. Lawrence (East Aurora) | 13/01/21 |
"Bought them for my son, whom is a beginner with the Longboard. So far he is happy with the product, just doesn't like that you can't move the fingers individually and that your hands start sweating very fast." | |
Ruth Mallus (Daettwil) | 10/01/21 |
"I was hoping for a little extra padding & reenforcement on the palms but overall, not a bad pair of sliders for the low price." | |
Craig M. (Boscombe) | 15/03/18 |