Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
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Roces Compy 8.0 inline-rulluisud lastele on hea lähtepunkt, kui soovite seda spordiala avastada. Nende suurus on reguleeritav, et need kestaksid mitu hooaega, mis sobib ideaalselt kasvavate jalgadega lastele. Nendel Roces inline-rulluiskudel on pehme saapas. Pehmem saapakonstruktsioon tagab nii hea istuvuse kui ka mugavuse. Roces Compy 8.0 jooksujalatsite suurus on väike. Seetõttu soovitame valida oma tavalisest jalanõude suurusest ühe numbri võrra suuremad.
- High-Cut mansett annab maksimaalse toetuse pahkluude stabiliseerimiseks ja vähendab lihaste väsimust
- Powerstrap sulgemine, et vältida kanna tõstmist, kusjuures lisarihm üle rinnaosa tagab turvalise istuvuse ja lisakontrolli
- 64mm, 70mm või 72mm rattad kõvadusega 82A, mis tagavad ülireageeriva ja mängulise sõidu
- Anatoomiliselt kujundatud vooder järgib teie jala loomulikku kuju, mis tagab suurema mugavuse.
- Pakendis sisalduv pidur
Ärge unustage enne esimest kasutamist kruvisid kontrollida ja vajadusel pingutage neid. Pange ka tähele, et pärast seda peate regulaarselt kontrollima kruvide seisukorda.
Compatible parts
Leidke ühilduvad tooted Roces Compy 8.0 Tüdrukute Rulluisud:

Mudeli spetsifikatsioonid
Mudel | Ratta läbimõõt |
26-29 | 64mm |
30-33 | 70mm |
34-37 | 70mm |
38-41 | 72mm |
Suurus Reguleeritav saabas:
Boot / Shell tüüp:
Oskuste tase:
Saapa materjal:
PU leather, Plastic
Liner Omadused:
Anatomically shaped
Lacing, Powerstrap, Micro-adjustment buckle
High lateral support, Integrated carrying loop
Frame materjal:
Frame tüüp:
Flat setup
Ratta kõvadus:
Laagri täpsus:
arvustused (839)
"Great blades. My 8 year old has barely taken them off since Christmas. Very good quality and they look awesome." | |
Angie H. (Vermont South) | 05/01/25 |
"Great skates, seem to be good quality and very suitable for my 5 year old who loves them." | |
Allan T. (Dunedin) | 21/10/24 |
"Beautiful skates, well worth the price. My daughter loves them and says they’re very comfortable and soft on the inside." | |
Zanna Mcleod (Korumburra) | 23/08/24 |
"Lovely skates and cover 4 sizes" | |
Klaudia U. (Lucan) | 17/01/23 |
"Both granddaughters love these skates. Use them all the time. The company is great also. Great customer service and great communication." | |
Steve Brown (Centereach) | 07/01/22 |
"The best. Daughter just love them." | |
Rita Zickiene (Cavan) | 05/01/22 |
"Great skates, kid loves these. Also a quick delivery. Thank you" | |
Silvia A. (Balbriggan, Co Dublin) | 20/09/21 |
"My little Girl loves them.Thank you." | |
Brian F. (Navan) | 10/07/21 |
"Fantastic skates daughter loves then great quality" | |
John westley (Walsall) | 18/05/21 |
"daughter loves them she is practicing all the time and caught on real quick" | |
Brian s. (University Place) | 27/04/21 |
"So happy that the performance of these skates match their great look. The boot is light, durable and easy to adjust the sizing. The chassis, wheels and bearings are also of good quality. My four year old loves them and I'd certainly recommend these for little skaters." | |
Nicholas G. (Toronto) | 26/04/21 |
"Very satisfied with this! My daughter loves it!" | |
Karolina M. S. (Cork) | 08/04/21 |
"my daughter loves them, much better than her old ones." | |
Gemma Goymer (London) | 31/03/21 |
"Skates are beautiful and my 8yr old loves them with a passion. Service was fantastic. Have bought from here before and will do so again. Thank you for the outstanding product and service." | |
Sheila Wong (Oakville) | 31/03/21 |